Agile and Effective Communication

Why Trust Truestory for Your Needs?

Kai Tarkka from TrueStory knows from experience what works in communication and what doesn’t. Don’t waste your time and money on ineffective efforts—bring Kai in to get your communication in shape.

Whether you need text, articles, press releases, news, social media updates, or even an entire book, Kai has extensive experience and insight in all of these areas. Communication strategies and plans, training, or customer-oriented communication design—Kai can provide you with these quickly and efficiently, without unnecessary complications or trendy buzzwords.

Experience, Insight, and Tangible Results

”I have worked as an entrepreneur and partner at Viestintäpalvelu Taika Oy, advertising agency MASSIVE Helsinki Oy, and True Communications Oy. I also have experience in salaried positions, including at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, where I laid the foundation for the fund’s extensive communication operations at the turn of the millennium.”

”Over the years, my clients have included software companies, maintenance and inspection firms, as well as foundations and funds supporting various scientific fields. I have produced content related to finance, research and development, medicine, and labor markets. When you have even a vague idea of the results you want to achieve with your communication, I will support you in every aspect—and whenever possible, I will exceed your expectations.”

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